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Details about cookies on Find a Tender

Find a Tender puts small files (known as ‘cookies’) onto your computer to collect information about how you browse the site. Find out more about the cookies we use, what they’re for and when they expire.

Cookies that measure website use

We use Google Analytics software to collect anonymised information about how you use Find a Tender. We do this to help make sure the site is meeting the needs of its users and to help us make improvements to the site.

We do not allow Google to use or share the data about how you use this site.

Google Analytics stores information about:

Google Analytics sets the following cookies.

Name Purpose Expires
_ga This cookie is used with Google Analytics. This cookie allows Google to track unique users via a client identifier that is randomly generated 2 years
_gat This cookie is used with Google Analytics. It is used to reduce the number of page view requests. 10 minutes
_gid This cookie is used with Google Analytics. It helps us count how many people visit the service by telling us if you’ve visited before. 24 hours

The following Contentsquare cookies are also set to measure website use:

Name Purpose Expires
_cs_id This cookie contains the Contentsquare's user identifier 13 months 3 days
_cs_s This cookie contains the number of page views within the running session for the Contentsquare solution 30 minutes

Strictly necessary cookies

Keeping you signed in

When you sign in to the service, we’ll set cookies to keep you signed in as you use the site. These cookies do not store your personal data and are deleted when you close your browser.

Name Purpose Expires
FT_AUTH Provides Find a Tender with your account details once you’ve signed in 2 hours
SIRSI_FT_AUTH Provides Find a Tender with your account details once you’ve signed in Session
FT_PAGE_TIMEOUT Saves the date/time of the user’s last activity on the site When you close your browser
FT_PAGE_LASTPOLL Saves the date/time of the last check to see if the user should remain signed in to the site When you close your browser
FT_PAGE_ACTIVE This cookie keeps the service secure, preventing cross-site forgery requests. When you close your browser
.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.* This cookie keeps the service secure, preventing cross-site forgery requests. When you close your browser
.AspNetCore.Cookies Stores details of the currently authenticated user. When you close your browser
.AspNetCore.CookiesC1 Stores details of the currently authenticated user. When you close your browser
.AspNetCore.CookiesC2 Stores details of the currently authenticated user. When you close your browser
.AspNetCore.Session Stores details of the currently authenticated user. When you close your browser

Cookies that remember your settings

You may see banners when you visit Find a Tender inviting you to select your cookie preferences. We’ll set cookies so that your computer knows you’ve seen such messages and not to show them again, and also to store your settings.

Name Purpose Expires
FT_COOKIES_ PREFERENCES_SET Lets us know that you’ve saved your cookie consent settings 1 year
SIRSI_COOKIES_PREFERENCES_SET Stores the cookies accept / reject preference. 1 year
_cs_c Used by Contentsquare to save the user consent status for data collection 13 months 3 days
FT_LANGUAGE Saves your preferred language for use of the site if not English 10 year
.AspNetCore.Culture Stores the currently selected language requirement. 1 year
FT_USER_RESEARCH Prevents user research banner from appearing if user has submitted form 10 year
FT_BANNER_CLOSE Prevents user research banner from appearing if close button is used 28 year

Change your settings

You can change which cookies you're happy for us to use.